A place that always made me feel free and release..
Addvert nuffnang
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Ginger, Garlic and Bread
Suddenly she changed her attitude become wild.... who thought U this ha Ginger... ah anyway,I'm glad she still recognized me and love me..
My friend told me that she act like that because she want to "putus susu" from her kids and so does she became wild and bad temper.
Looking at her, I'm really happy to see that she was growing up healthfully and happily at my Kampung with my parents.
This week, I plan to bring Ginger's kids named Garlic and Bread come home as I already bought a new(second hand) 3 tiers cage for them.
Hopefully, they will like their new home and new environment...
I loove them much!! tomorrow will buy them a new cats litter sands (lemon flavor), semi-auto food feeder, litter basin and Science Plans food for kitten. I think all this will cost me around RM300.. ayoo...
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
26 Already!
Ha, no more 25 yo as an answer if ppl asking my age..anyway, I have to move forward and bared in my mind thats only a number (borrring...lame thinking n reason..hehe..). Thanks to my family and friends, who gave their support along this journey.
Hopefully, someday I can find out what are the things that I really wanted.. and how to achieve that. Life would be simple as it is if U drove it into a good ways.
Last but not least, I wish that I can make myself more successful person towards in this life. Amin..
Monday, December 21, 2009
Sawadikap VIII
I have safely landed in KL at 1.30am today.. huhu..and woke up around 6.30am and went to office. Really tired and take a nap for a while in the office. hehe..
This time backpacker trip to Krabi Island. Krabi Island does not have a perfect beaches and nite style as compared to Phuket and Bali,maybe.. But they do have a perfect massage( thats the most important la..hehe) and perfect pancake, yet to taste.. huhu.. But the foods slightly more expensive compare to hadyai and Phuket.

Ao Nang Beach

Pulut Mangga-Pulut Durian and Seafoods

To share an information, from KL shoot to border, Danok - Hatyai - Krabi. Journey from border to Hatyai its only took about half an hour and cost per pick-up Vios is 500THB/car. and from Hadyai to Krabi only about 4 hours by minivan where cost charged is 270THB/head.
Hotel (I can say guest house) is around 400THB/nite. At Krabi town U will be sent to travel agency and to choose which island that u prefered. Ao Nang Beach is most popular..

Travel agent.

Nice room - 400THB/nite

Nice place to lepak

Nice view
And on the way back to Kl, we stopped at Aloe Setar to meet Wannie and Mama..

Its been a long time not meet U, Mama..

Happy Family..

Good Bye my dear Wannie..
Overall review I can say that Krabi island nothing much different from Phuket and probably I can say that Phuket much better than Krabi (its my opinion) in term of nite style, beach and markets.
Maybe its better to stay at Hatyai- Meriah!! hehe..
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Ritmasari Gamelan and Wedding Invitations
One of the reason why I don't like to attend people's wedding is - When urs?.. oh gosh... keep silent and give a sweet smile.. hehe.. Ah, anyway this week I'm full with wedding invitations where I had to attend. Congratulation to Fara - my classmate at UM.
Hope you will be one happy family forever..
And to my X-Gamelan mate, Jaja hope will be a good wife.. hehe.. Congratulation to you too..
Friends forever..

Last Saturday, I'm happy that I met one of Gamelan group and I would like to thanks to En. Zul from Group of Gamelan Ritmasari for inviting me on that day and give an opportunity to me to join his group..
Hope I can polish back my skill and soon to performe well for the future event or any invitation..hehe..
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Aidil Adha 2009 di Melaka
Salam Aidil Adha kepada semua umat Islam di seluruh dunia khasnye di Malaysia.. Anak2 buah aku pun dah semakin membersar dah nak sama tinggi ngan aku dah..huhu...nampak tak maksudnye..
Tapi yg penting, Nenek sihat walaupun usia sebenar dah menjangkau 100 thn.. Alhamdulillah.. semoga nenek diberikan umur yg lebih panjang lagi..
Ada banyak gambo lg..tp x sempat la nak upload..malam dah kuar melepak ngan bebudak melaka smpai 3 pg..hehe..siap pekene asam pedas pokok besar kt bandar hilir..
Insyaallah, kite akan berjumpa lagi pada raya haji thn depan dan tahun2 berikutnye..
Monday, November 23, 2009
Year End Sale (Y.E.S)
YES!! I'm stony broke..haha... Ni sume gara-gara shopping tak hengat start dr pagi smpai malam.. ayoo... sume pakai plastik jek.. pejam mata je..
Tapi, takpe yg aku beli tu sume mmg berguna dan utk pakai lama..hehe..

Yang klaka nye, pagi tu aku dah shopping dah..pastu ptg pg lagi sebab Izal, Ed n Zul ajak g shopping last day IMC, KLCC kan... berebut la baju sume nak size kecik..sian..hehe.. tu lg menyemarakkan nafsu nak membeli lagi..adoi...
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Meeting with Ketua Pengarah
I do like my new current job and position. Apart of that, i really love the environment of my work place where its surrounding with green forest trees, fresh air,cool river flow, lake with high water jet and good traffic condition. It is very different as compare to my previous job.

Introducing to you, our Ketua Pengarah, Agensi Nuklear Malaysia, MOSTI - Datuk Dr. Daud Mohamad who is very friendly and understanding person. I'm fell very comfortable while meeting whit him.
After meeting with KP(Ketua Pengarah), I'm feel so excited being told the opportunity of being Q grade where the scheme of promotion is slightly different which known as a vertex scheme.
KP intend for all research officers(RO) posses a master degree and PHD as immediately, hence, he will send all ROs to complete their higher education and most important is to be sent outside of Malaysia (mostly in UK).I can't wait for that..
KP also encourage for all staffs at least play one game or sports in order to get better life and health.and for that, I had started my 1st jogging activity on last week and wish can maintain for the next following weeks, months, years and so on..hehe.. hopefully.
After meeting with KP(Ketua Pengarah), I'm feel so excited being told the opportunity of being Q grade where the scheme of promotion is slightly different which known as a vertex scheme.
KP intend for all research officers(RO) posses a master degree and PHD as immediately, hence, he will send all ROs to complete their higher education and most important is to be sent outside of Malaysia (mostly in UK).I can't wait for that..
KP also encourage for all staffs at least play one game or sports in order to get better life and health.and for that, I had started my 1st jogging activity on last week and wish can maintain for the next following weeks, months, years and so on..hehe.. hopefully.
Last but not least, I do hope that I can achieve the target and do better in this new working environment and new task.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Biskut Raya Haji ready for distribute..
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Tiramisu n Plasma TV
Thanks and Congratulation to our lowest bidder for Plasma TV 42 inch.(lupo nak snap gambo TV yg dah assembled kat umah U tu..) .. Thanks gak buat Tiramisu cake yg sangat sedap.. kalah secret recipes kot..huhuhu..
Lepas ni kalo ade yg berminat dengan Tiramisu cake, boleh la order kat aku..hehe..sempat nak wat promosi ni.. bisness kan..

note: To Aniep, nape ko x dtg..sian Rina buat cake tu utk kite tau.. Rugi ko tak rase..
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Coffee Sugar and Spice
Makan Lunch and Diner kat Restoren Coffee, Sugar and Spice ni mmg best.. Boleh dikatakan every weekend aku akan makan kat sini..
Harga mmg berpatutan dgn makanan.. dan yang penting..sangat sedap.. nak nak ala-carte die..Decoration mmg superb!!
Selain dr menu makanan yg sedap, Pemandangan dan suasa die gak selesa dan fresh je.. berangin.. sedap lah mata memandang..
So, aku syorkan kepada yg suke JJCM(jalan2 cari makan) tu untuk try kat CSnS ni yg terletak kat Ampang Waterfront Phase II..

Friday, November 6, 2009
Government ID Pass
Dalam masa 1 hari je dah dapat ID pass untuk access main gate and everything. Sangat pantas dan cepat kerajaan Malaysia sekarang ni.. itu lah yg kite nak utk perubahan yg lebih cemerlang.. :)
Tapi, mase nak buat ID pass tu aku demam teruk.. nasib muke tak bengkak sangat..kalo tak..sembab la gambo bertahun-tahun..hehhe...

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Farewell Perodua
Lame dah rasenye tak update blog..huhu... Ni kenangan bersama warga QA, Perodua utk farewell party aku.. Thanks buat semua..
Geng2 warranty yg disayangi..(March-Oct 09) -
Warranty section yg mantop... walaupun hanye seketika join group ni..mmg best dan ceria..
Selamat meneruskan perjuangan aku Fuad, New warranty Engineer..
Vehicle Group (July 06- March 09)
Jasa korang aku hargai demi menimba pengalaman bekerja di QA.
Thanks All... yg memberi gelak ketawa..
Sehinga berjumpa lagi..
to My Manager (kak Ben) and my Asst. Manager (En. Azmi) - Thanks a lot for ur support!!
Jemput makan sume!!
Bacaan doa oleh Tuan Aji..
Good Bye Perodua!! - Sayonara Perodua!!

Thanks Akmal, hadi pengacara majlis..selalunye aku jek yg jadi Emcee kan..

Monday, September 28, 2009
Beraye Sakan D Ampang
Umuah Tajul di Setiawangsa
Tepak sireh tuh ce letak bawah jap..
Sian, kak Ana sorang je yg buat mata batman..hehe..

Makan ala-ala Istana Zaman Dolu...
Mesti Cobe!!
Alahai..gambar korang dah lawa..tp lupe nak alihkan pasu merah kt belakang tu..hehe..

Rumah Azril di Taman Permata
Cantek dinding... dah sama mcm baju Kak Ana warnanye..hehe..
Duduk bawak sikit lg Kak Pah.. dah tak bleh nak cangkung dah aku tgk..hehe..
Kalo iye pun Rina..letaklah dulu besen kuih tuh!
Habis Raya dah... bekerja la kite semula..

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