Oppss forgot to put a picture inside my room... dont be jealous ye laling Rina.. i told u to accompanying me u wont... so now? "eat hearth"!! hehehe...
Ah anyway i just received an information from my boss to extend my duty to Thailand tomorow to audit vendor there and my outstation period wil be extended untill sunday.. hehehe... so guyz is that make u feel so interested in waiting my next update journal, please check it out on tomorrow nite yah..
hope to see u guyz soon..
P/S: To Aron, Rina, Azril and Mus please CC ur gossips in my email zack_nude@yahoo.com too so that i can update whatever u are chatting about. OK..
babe.... kenape ler ko gi outstation tak ajak aku?? tau tau je aku tak der class kan skrg..
leh je aku teman ko.. di malam hari! hahahahaha
ala syg.. i mane tau.. i cr gak org yang leh temankan i.. Aniep x bleh lak.. so sesorang je la g outstation..huhuhu...
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