So meriah with Rikke's cooks..everybody looks comfortable and excited with the menus..cane... (nasi lemak tuh yg penting... class!!!)
Hayyo!! tangan tuh... Lara...
Here there are..
Congrats!!! hope every body satisfied with their present ( Walaupun.. dapat hadiah org lain punyer tp tolong belikan.. cane... bantal tuh.. bantal...)sian... hehe... - Gambar hiasan
Hope to see u guys next year.. (only one day left..)
Happy New Year!!!!! and Salam sayang dari Kak Neta...(pinjam Quote jap ek..)
looked like a very meriah party although some regular faces did not turn up.
Wah!!!! bestnye....glad to hear you guys enjoyed the nite!!!!
meriahnya....setaraf P.Diddy's White party gituew....
meriah nyerrr party...zack nanti bagi tau ko yg aku tanya arie tu aku nak ngok blog dia
oit hanjeng!!! mane la posting baru nie...hari2 aku buka, same jer...bohsan... ekkk....utk miron, kene tunggu taun depan la ye...without fail kan rikkie buat bende kejadah ni....see u soon miron...and to those yg tak turn up, u really2 missed the fun my fren...
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